Here we present information from the 7th British Congress on Medicine and Spirituality - 2019.
"Spiritual approaches in clinical practice"
9th and 10th November 2019 - London UK
Venue: Rudolf Steiner House and Theatre, NW1 6XT
Find below the speakers and themes that presented at our
7th British Congress on Medicine and Spirituality:

Dr Peter Fenwick
“Shining Light on Death”

Dr Elaine Drysdale MD FRCPC
“The Interface of Psychiatry, Spirituality” and
“Near Death Experiences in Medical Practice”

Dr Natalie Tobert PhD
“War Collateral: Spiritist Approaches to Population Health”

Dr Jeffrey Rediger MD MDiv
"A Medicine of Hope and Possibility"

Dr Marcelo Saad
“Spiritist Chaplaincy - A Model for Faith Support in Hospitals”
“Kardec-Spiritism and its Interface with Healthcare”

Dr Felipe Sá Ferreira
“Intrauterine Death and Its Spiritual Impact”

Speakers Roundtable
“Spiritual and Spiritist Complementary Therapies: Ways to Integrate with Medicine”