Here we present information from the 5th British Congress on Medicine and Spirituality - 2015.
Bridging Medicine and Spirituality
31st October and 1st November, 2015 - London UK
Venue: Rudolf Steiner House and Theatre, NW1 6XT
Find below the speakers and themes presented at our
5th British Congress on Medicine and Spirituality:

Dr. Alessandra Lucchetti
“Treating the Soul in Clinical Practice”

Dr. Andrew Powell
“Narratives of Body, Mind and Soul in Clinical Practice”

Dr. Antonia Marilene Silva
“Spirituality in Cardio-vascular Disease – Evidence”

Dr. Catherine Wikholm
"The Buddha Pill: Can meditation change you?"

Dr. Eunice Minford
“Spirituality in the British medical education”

Prof. Giancarlo Lucchetti
"The teaching of Health Education and Spirituality at Brazilian Medical Schools"

Prof. Jorge Cecilio Daher
“Marlene Nobre - A life bridging spirituality and health”

Dr. Marcelo Saad
“Distant Healing Techniques - A Tentative Scientific Conciliation”

Dr. Mario Peres
“Spiritual Surgery”

Dr. Peter Fenwick
“End of life experiences”

Dr. Sarah Eagger
“Valuing Spiritual Care”